Now that the Flyers have lost Monty Scott to injuries for the rest of his career, the Flyers need big time conributions form Norman Plummer and Jimmy Binnie. Monty averaged 10.0 ppg, with Norman at 8.4 ppg and Jimmy at 4.0. ppg. The challenge is on!
It's less than 10 days until the annual XU at UD game. The game is hugh for both Xavier and Dayton this year. The towel swiller graduated last year, can we bring him back for the halftime excitement?
The tough schedule that the Flyers have played this year has payed off with a great RPI; unfortunately the 5-5 record in the A-10 put them in 8th position in A-10 in standings.
Chris was invited to play in the Jordan classic to be played on April 21, 2007 at Madison Square Gardens in NYC and televised nationally on ESPN2. See this web site for others invited an bios: