Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Flyer Fan Rally at Athletic Practice Facility on Campus Friday 5PM

Send the Flyers off to NYC and Fordham Friday at ~ 5PM as they head to airport for game. Flyer Pep Band and Red Scare and fans are planning to be there! They will be boarding the bus around 5:30 on the North side of Frericks - side facing Albert Emmanuel

Friday, February 22, 2008

Hang tag hocus pockus - will it work its magic Sunday?

The hang tag has been correct throughout the years on the number of game wins for the Flyers. Take for exampe the Temple game, the tag was #17 and Dayton won and got 17 wins. Now its XU at the Arena Sunday, we still have 17 wins after the loss to LaSalle Thursday, can the hang tag give us 18 wins???

Dayton v. Xavier - Let the game begin

#10/#12 Xavier at Dayton biggest game in four years?

It was February 19, 2005 when Brian Roberts and Jimmy Binnie were freshman; Trent Meacham and Chris Alvarex were also Flyers when Dayton defeated Xavier at the UD Arena by the acore of 59-55. The freshman, now seniors have one more shot at X!

The game tally was: Monty Scott 12 pts, Norman Plummer 6 pts, Chris Alvarez 6 pts, Warren Williams 7 points, Mark Jones 1 pt, freshman Brian Roberts 10 pts, feshman Trent Meacham 8 pts and freshman Jimmy Binnie 0 pts.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Where the Flyers Stand - W/L NCAA NIT

The Flyers have their work cut out for them if they want to play alphabet soup at the end of the season. The solution to the word puzzle is win, just win home and away. (Click on th graph to view easier)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Brian Roberts now 8th in all time scoring

Roosevelt Chapman 2233; Don May 1980; Hank Finkel 1968; Jim Paxson 1945; Don Meineke 1866; Tony Stanley 1835; Negele Knight 1806; BRIAN ROBERTS 1791; Anthony Corbitt 1760; John Horan 1757; Donald Smith 1655; Mike Kanieski 1642; Bill Uhl 1627; Jack Salee 1610; Johnny Davis 1562

Marcus Johnson had tremendous energy in win over Temple

Johnson had 14 points to give the Flyers their 17th win of the season over Temple. Just a note that the hang tag parking number was also #17.

Mike Kelly inducted into UD Hall of Fame

Thanks Mike for all your hard work and football memories!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Chris Johnson of Brookhaven HS voted best dunker in Central Ohio

Chris Johnson who will be a freshman at UD next fall was voted best dunker in central Ohio.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ron's Preseason Pics - and todays record

I pulled out my preseason pics article and was suprosed that I hit the Flyers record exactly as of today. More importantly I had them running the rest of the season going into the A-10.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Red Scare's Drive 75 Campus-Wide Service Event February 13-20

Drive 75 Campus-wide Service Event
February 13-20, 2008

Drive 75 is an annual service event sponsored by Red Scare to benefit The Dayton Area Food Bank and Secret Smiles Organization. Drive 75 is a competition to see who can raise the most money and pounds of food between University of Dayton and Xavier University student organizations.
During this week long event groups are divided according to size and are challenged to see who can collect the most money and pounds of food. This year students from Xavier University will be participating and competing against UD.

How to Participate:
Organizations on campus will register their group according to size (more or less than 50). Any organization can participate and new groups can be created (groups do not have to be official campus organizations to participate).
Starting February 13, groups can collect throughout the campus, including neighborhoods and residence halls. One day during the week a “dorm storm” will be held. This is where groups will be given an extra time to go out and collect around campus. After collecting, groups will bring their items to specified location to be counted. February 20 at 6 p.m. is the last time collected items will be accepted. All totals will be added and compared to totals from Xavier.

What to Win:
At the end of the competition, the top groups in each category will be announced at the UD/Xavier game on February 24. The group that collects the most pounds of food and money (each $1 raised = 1 pound), will receive a plaque with their group name on it.

Last year 3402 pounds was collected and $1214.15 was raised. This year we hope to raise over 5000 pounds of food and money combined.

For more information contact Juliana Brown at brownjum@notes.udayton.edu

Through Drive 75, Red Scare has been given the chance to bring the campus together to help a common cause. We look forward to seeing the same enthusiasm toward helping the Dayton Area Food Bank and Secret Smiles as we do while cheering on the Flyers.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008

London Warren double-double and career high

Warren brought his enthusiasm to the Rhode Island game and had his career high of 13 points and 10 rebounds. Jimmy Binnie also brought his inside game with 10 points. When the 3's are not falling this is the way to go.